2/9: Ramping up the daily tasks.
2/10: Tell someone about the Happiness = Wellness Experiment.
2/11: Write & mail a Valentine. ♥
My husband considers Valentine's Day as a "Hallmark" holiday, but then he is the antithesis of a sentimental guy. How does he show his love and affection? By doing the laundry. <Swoon!> Honey you shouldn't have! While clean laundry doesn't make my heart flutter, I have grown to appreciate his expression of his love language.
2/12: Waterfall Wednesday. Holy Cow that was alot of fluid. I obviously need to up my daily intake (and no, not more coffee Susanne!)
2/13: Positive in the Present. Jim Rohn said it best, "Here's the best way to treat a problem: As an opportunity to grow ... If you will change, everything will change for you."
2/14: ♥ <mwah!>
2/15: Gratitude Review: By now you should have a bouquet of gratitudes! Would love to know which one surprised you the most.
2/16: Instrumental Music. I had the delight to wedding dress shop with a friend and in the midst of the day we discussed wedding songs. Our wedding song was Cast Your Fate to the Wind by Vince Guaraldi played by George Winston. It's still one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard.
I, like many, was first introduced to Guaraldi through Linus & Lucy the recognizable theme to Charles Schulz' Peanuts specials. :)
2/17: 25 Jumping Jacks! Wheee... were you taken back to grade school PE class?
2/18: Up to Date Dr/Dental Check ups. Think Nike ... JUST DO IT!
2/19: Create! I want to know what you 'made' today!
2/20: Spic & Span.
2/21: Flowers! After a week of named Snow Events (35+ inches of snow this month so far!) who wouldn't love a breathe of spring & summer? I'll leave you today with this gorgeous display... ahhhh...