Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Gym Within ... A New Series

Magazines, TV, the internet, and social media constantly bombard us with all that we can do to alter or control our outward appearance (clothes, makeup, hairstyles, exercise, etc.) for a potential whole “new” you.  But the potential I’m going to focus on today is our own interior conversation.  You know what I’m talking about… that little voice that we all have that gives a non-stop running commentary to everything we do and say. 
What if we spin that conversation from one of questioning, regret, and back-talk to one that not only cheers us on but also confirms our talents, attributes and intentions? Think about it. How would that one difference change the stress level of your day? And it can start first thing as you get out of bed.  Be mindful of your internal dialogue. Instead of looking in the mirror and thinking, “Ugh, could you look any worse today?” Stop and frame up the same experience in a positive. “OK, this is my starting point and the day just gets better from here.” Or, after that next job interview instead of torturing yourself with the things that you should have said or done differently, set the intention to acknowledge that what was exchanged was your best effort and allow yourself to graciously move forward. After all… you can’t change it, so why endure the unproductive recriminations?

I like to think of it as ‘getting some work done’ without the
scalpel. Changing the timbre of your internal conversation can color your entire world differently. When we are kinder and gentler on ourselves, we smile easier, we are more confident in what we do and say, more purposeful in our efforts, less defensive in reaction to others, and more open to seeing the good in our days.

Can it really be as simple as that? In a sense, absolutely.  But, just because something is simple, it doesn’t necessarily mean doing it is easy. Some of us have long established patterns in play and overcoming them can take some serious mental gymnastics.  And, kind of like joining an actual gym, it would be unreasonable to expect to develop a six-pack overnight. Establishing a new attitude toward yourself will take time and effort, as well as practice—but, the more time you spend working out your positive mindset in your 'Gym Within', the easier it gets. And, with every reframed comment, you’ll notice how much better it feels to treat yourself like a cherished friend.